Power Search The Internet

Searchable Sites & Search Portals
See all sites.
You have found a presearch engine that only lists results of other search engines (major portals, link directories and niche) and searchable websites (multimedia files, social media, news, forums, people, etc). You will find free tools (bookmarklets, browser plugins, web forms, etc) for searching these sites to make research faster and easier across the internet. For best results you should be searching for a topic or type of place to search (if you want to learn about Viagra, search for health or medicine type sites). Try the Presearcher bookmarklet.
We have the top 2,500 searchable sites listed plus thousands of niche search sites included in our database. You can even submit your own searchable sites HERE.
Comparison Web Searcher
With this search tool you can search the top 200 search engines, portals, social media & multimedia sites side by side in a split screen for easy comparisons. Compare results for various topics (latest NEWS, shopping prices, popular videos, social networking, top metasearch engines, health/medicine, jobs/employment, etc). This is a great tool for searching the internet! Drag & drop the Yahoogle bookmarklet to your favorites bar.
This tool is highly customizable so you can personalize settings, themes and your favorite websites (either dynamic searches configured to work with performed searches or static pages). Demos: default/normal,  text to speech synthesis, bilingual, other language, 25 categories (ex: health, shopping, social media, torrents or combined), add custom searches/pages (tool to help find thousands) custom left page, custom left search, custom right page, custom right search, both left/right custom pages, personalized color theme, added favorites (tool used to help get favelet codes), dual Google (compare 2 different search terms like Canada), safe for kids version, dictionary lookup, file types (PDF, MP3), search any TLD (.mil, .gov, .org, .edu, .xxx, .ca, .us, .uk), Dual Google (can be done with any searchable sites, demo), make any site searchable as you view it, search any site/domain and other hidden modes (single, lite, safe, split, mens, etc). As you can see, this tool is very hackable (easy to customize). Drag & drop the bookmarklet once you have it configured the way you need for a handy start page. You can even install this as your default search engine for when you search in the address bar of your web browser. Make your own Google (or other search engines) combination searches (ex: bingle, binghoo).
Power Searcher
This tool is similar to the dual search above, except you are on one main page with links to the top 200 search engines with your search terms embedded and ready to use (just click a link and auto search the main search term for each site). This site does not use frames (the Comparison Web Searcher above does) which is the only advantage over Yahoogle (some sites do not work in frames like This PowerSearch tool is not as advanced as the Yahoogle searcher, but it's a simple way to display related links on an easy to presearch page (handy for searching same term over multiple popular sites).

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